Hello, I'm Heather.
Welcome to my newly designed blog.
If this is the first time you've visited my little corner of the internet, welcome,
I'm really happy you're here! Please feel free to kick off your shoes and pull up a chair. I love being
bare foot, I think it's the modern dancer in me. My online home is very much like my actual home,
where love and light fill our days. It's a joyful place and I wanted to extend this vision of my home
to my website and blog.
This past year has been incredible in my personal and business life, and I'm proud to be introducing my
new website. It's full of special moments from 2011. I really cannot express how grateful I am to be
doing what I love for a living. I'm living a dream.
If you'd like a personal tour of my online home, please join me. When you first drive up to my house,
you're greeting with two option to go to my website or blog. My website is my online portfolio with
portraits lining the gray chalk board walls and my blog is a little window into my personal life
highlighting my most recent work. At this point it's chose your own adventure. :)
If you clicked the website button then, you'll be greeting be beautiful souls shining through the
windows of the atrium in my home. I love atrium's in a home. An atrium is quite literally a chamber
in the heart, a space in a home, where you gather and move through.
Once you've arrived in the atrium/home, you can navigate
to a few of my favorite rooms, the first is Love:
"where engaged couples dance and dream. These special
special portraits are infused with creative and inspiring moments between
newly engaged love birds. I hope your enjoy "a day in the life"
of these amazing couples.

You can click here, to step into this special room.
Next to Love, you'll find the Forever room:
"where love birds marry and live happily ever after.
These boutique and destination weddings are filled with creative, vintage
and inspiring details infused with love and light. Step into each gallery
and experience each couple's beautiful story.
Eat, Drink and be Married."

Please click here, to walk through this lovely room.
Next we come to Cherish, one of my favorite places in the world. It's:
"a land of beautiful moments and memories.
These lifestyle portraits are near and dear to my heart.
Tony finger prints, flying ballons, sweet glances
and beautiful dances, there's a little bit for
everyone. I hope you enjoy these cherished moments."
To enter this cherished space, please click here.
Next to Cherish is our VIP room reserved for our Clients. Inside this room are personal galleries
designed especially for each session. If you book a portrait or wedding with me, this is where I'll
place a special photo gallery for you to share with your friends and family. You get to pick your
password or as I like to think of them, you're antique key. This is a very special space in our
online home.
To the right of our VIP room is our Contact room. This exists as our online chalk board where you can
leave me a message about upcoming portraits, weddings, request more information or tell me what you
had for breakfast (Today I had a skinny bagel with cream cheese, yogurt and an americano).
I'll respond quickly and in at least 24 hours.
Thank you for taking a personal tour of my home with me. I hope you'll join me for a
cup of tea sometime. My favorite one is Tazo Sweet Tea, but I have many other options for
you to enjoy.
Love and Light,
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