through the lens thursday

Photographing dancers is one of my favorite things to do. For this shot, the lovely Taylor Augustine and I adventured through a snowy field to capture a few last moments of our photo shoot. With dancers, those last moments tend to be the most magical and light filled. Whenever I photograph dancers I ask them to dance for the last 5 minute of any shoot as an improv. I'll stand back and let them weave their movements into a score all their own and suspend special moments with a photograph. If there's an extra special moment, I'll ask the dancer to repeat it, so I can capture it from another angle or view point. This is one of Taylor's special moments. She did this jump and the peaceful and powerful quality of her glance caught my eye. This was the first version of this jump. It's raw, honest and beautifully simple. Sometimes the first frame is the best one, you can't recreate it's magic.

Love and Light,

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